Adult Story Corner
Please visit our sister site Adult Story Corner.


Nina Noire latest venture - her wedding! Ms. Noire will become a Mrs. on June 1, 2003. Her next novel will be published by Chimera Books and is scheduled to come out at the end of this year. Find out more information on her novels and short stories on her site Venetian Blue.
Katrina Devlin is currently working on a secret. In the mean time go on An Erotic Adventure with her. Or read her story Welcome Home featured on Adult Story Corner.

JZ Sharpe is our Resident Reviewer. However, she is taking a short sabbatical this year to write her own books. You may still forward review requests to JZS with "ENE Review: Novel Title" in the subject line. Include a brief description and information on where the novel can be purchased. The ENE staff will divvy up the reviews until Ms. Sharpe is again available for reviews.

Debora Myers is a frequent contributing writer. Check out her articles in the "Love Making Magic" section. Debora Myers is editor and cofounder of LadyFire.Com. She is a graduate of the Self Heal School of Herbal Medicine in San Diego, CA. She has also studied extensively with Traditional American Indian Healers and been actively involved in the civil rights and environmental movements. Debora is a life long student, constantly updating and educating herself concerning the holistic healing arts and sexuality. Debora writes light, mildly erotic short stories for her site, ENE and for fun. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

kahtt is working on her erotic art site to be released whenever... Read her poetry here. "I currently have my hands full keeping this site updated and coordinating special chat events for the Erotica Readers & Writers Association."


ENE Presents

A new Literary Ezine - MindFire Renewed - launched!
Fiction, nonfiction, reviews, interviews, art, challenges, and of course, poetry. Languages, translated and not.
Our features - poet TE Ballard, a marriage of art and word by Danielle Jones, en español featured poet Matilde Alba Swann.
Our content - stories by Niama Williams, Barry Ergang, Kelley Buzbee and Nancy Shiffrin, art by Teresa White, Patricia Jones, Carole Barley, Stephen Mead and David Bursey, photos by Liliana Muente and Ellen Blankenship, nonfiction by Christine Jeffords, Thomas Fortenberry, Maryann Hazen Stearns and.poetry by the truckload.around the world in Spanish, Italian, French, Rumanian, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali.and on the staff pages, Norse.
Poetry from Alice Pero to Terry Lowenstein with stops at David Anthony, Robert Sward, Brett Hursey, Laurel Dodge, Charles Levenstein, Robert Jordan, Shaynal Horiwitz, Melody Lewis, Janet Buck, Larry Jaffe and Margaret Griffith.
Announcements for an exiting feature - In Your Own Hand, short forms in issue 3 and the Mandy Poetry Contest.
In my never humble opinion, a good beginning and well worth your perusal.
And special thanks to the Fireeaters - Thomas, Mary, Ryfkah, Karin, Khizra, Silvia, Marilyn, Thane, Tom and Tony - and many others who helped bring this first issue to you.
~~Gary Blankenship, April 2004

eXtasy Books: Call For Submissions
eXtasy Books is looking for holiday submissions starting with Halloween and Thanksgiving stories, teasers are welcome, but prefer novellas and/or full books. Deadline for Thanksgiving and Halloween is 31st August.
CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S STORIES... Deadline for xmas submissions September 30th.
We're also looking ahead at Valentine, Easter, July 4th, and all holidays next year but completed subs must be in well ahead of time.
Please check submission guidelines at our website.
Contact Tina at if you have questions and or submissions.

Thomas In Love
Please visit ENE's Bookstore for an excellent collection of erotic literature.

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