Lawless Games

An ENE Review of the novel
Lawless Games by Emma Kaufmann


Reviewed by JZ Sharpe

The lawyers are everywhere! Turn on your television, and Ally McBeal will be prancing across it, all legs and arms and very little else. Go to the movies, and you'll find similar fare. Check the mainstream shelves at your favorite bookstore, and you'll see authors like John Grisham, not to mention the many mysteries that revolve around the legalsystem. Erotic attorneys? Well, why not?
Lawless Games centers around Chloe, a young British woman who has just graduated from school and is ready to begin her career in law. The British system is a little different from the American one, of course; she needs to find a job where she can get into a training program and learn how to become a solicitor. She does have the necessary schooling to be a paralegal, and thanks to Jaspar, a young man she meets while on vacation in Australia, she lands a position with a law firm in London. There is one place open in the firm's training program, and Chloe hopes it will be hers.
Chloe is lovely, of course, and in possession of an active libido which can be enhanced with alcohol. Her charms are not lost on Jaspar, nor are they lost on John, his uncle and Chloe's new boss. Felicity, Jaspar's sister finds Chloe rather attractive, too. So, in between the blackmail and scheming, there are many moments of raging hot passion -- between Chloe and John, Chloe and Greg from the mailroom, Chloe and Felicity, too.
If you're looking for a hot read for the long trial of summer, Lawless Games is definitely on the docket. It not only has plenty of sex, but a fair helping of intrigue, too. This book is a quick read that will have you panting in places. On that -- I rest my case!
Lawless Games

Lawless Games

Lawless Games

LAWLESS GAMES by Emma Kaufmann is available for purchase at for $13.95 (paperback), $6.95 (ebook). Also available in the UK as an ebook for £5.00 from Amatory Ink.
Imagine a cocktail, one part Anais Nin, another part John Grisham, laced with a secret ingredient, a little something that gives it that extra zing, and what have you got? The new erotic thriller by Emma Kaufmann: Lawless Games.
Emma Kaufmann leads you into an exclusive, high-stakes world of passion and deception - where two ambitious lawyers are locked in a furious power struggle.
John Richardson, the ruggedly handsome partner at a top London law firm, handled his business affairs the way he handled his women - with charm, daring and ruthless self-control. A man used to the very best, John hired Chloe Hamilton, and assumed the proud beauty would be just another easy conquest.
Destined for each other, yet wary of each other's motives, John and Chloe engage in a dance of suspicion and passion that tests the very soul of their star-crossed love.
As a twisting path of secrets takes them from London's courtrooms to the witchcraft-imbued Cat Island, Chloe finds herself ensnared in a bewildering web ... a seductive, dangerous trap of pride, passion, loyalty, and overwhelming lust.
Read an excerpt of Lawless Games.
About The Author:
Emma Kaufmann lived in London, England for the first thirty years of her life. Then, tiring of the constant rain and hectic pace of London life she immigrated to Baltimore where she now writes full time.
Emma Kaufmann has published one previous novel, Lured by Lust (Black Lace). Guilt, a psychological thriller, will be out soon. Her short stories have appeared in numerous webzines including Clean Sheets, the Erotica Readers Association, Hercurve and Sexilicious. Last year she appeared on a UK television documentary on female sexual fantasies.
She toiled in the real world for several years, at a law firm, in public relations and later, broke and between jobs as a maid in a London dominatrix' parlor. This experience caused her imagination to start working overtime and soon she was penning and publishing erotic literature.
She says, "It annoys me the way people always assume that a book can't be great literature if it has a fair amount of sex in it. That kind of attitude is just ridiculous! Of course, there is badly written sex out there, writing that gives erotica a bad name. However, my work does not just encompass sex, it's always about sex and SOMETHING ELSE. I am constantly pushing forward the boundaries of erotica, and enjoy mixing genres together, as in Lawless Games, which is a legal thriller, but also very sexy."

For the past five years, JZ Sharpe has been making up for the time she lost in a 20-year writer's block. She lives in the Pennsylvania mountains, where most of her friends and coworkers would be shocked and amazed by her secret life as a writer of erotica and science fiction. JZ Sharpe is a regular contributor to ENE. You can also find her work at About's Amateur Erotica, Adult Story Corner, Biblio Eroticus, Blood Moon Zine , Dare , Erotica Readers Association, HotErotica.Com and Scarlet Letters . Get lashed by the Sharpe Tongue.

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