A very erotic dessert

from selkie

This is a variation of the traditional Scottish dessert, often served
at Harvest festivals. The secret of the dish is not to sweeten the cream
but to allow the toasted Oatmeal to develop a nutty flavour, making a
beautiful contrast with the jam.

Serves 4


1/2 pint double cream
8 oz blackcurrant jam
1/2 cup medium oatmeal
Dash Creme de Cassis (opt)

Melt the jam mixed with creme de Cassis over a medium heat, adding
extra whole berries if you like. Toast the oatmeal under a slow grill making
sure the oatmeal doesn’t brown - just let the flavour mature.

Add half the toasted oatmeal to the cream and whip to a full
consistency. Pour the jam into wineglasses and fill with the cream
mixture. Sprinkle the rest of the oatmeal on top. The jam should still
be warm when the dish is served, contrasting with the cream.

Jam, artist Unknown is available at Art.Com

Living in a village in the Borders of Scotland can be a quiet experience. After getting Internet access I looked up my interests, writing and animals. One day by chance after writing some erotica, I was invited to join ER and life suddenly took on a different meaning for my partner my many rescued animals and myself. (I can assure you that writing erotica with the fastest ferret in the world disappearing down the front of your jumper is not easy!) I love writing about everything that I see around me and I have every intention of growing old disgracefully. Visit my hiding place at Selkie's Cave.
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