Almost A Gentleman


An ENE Review of the enovel
Almost A Gentleman by Pam Rosenthal


Reviewed by G. Russell

Almost A Gentleman, Pam Rosenthal's debut novel, is an evocative tale of one woman's determination to rise above the tragedy that claims the lives of her husband and son, and to exact her revenge on London's male elite; the ton.
Set in Regency England, Almost A Gentleman provides a striking contrast between the dangerous, gas-lit streets of London; the gambling clubs, drinking dens, the molly houses, and the golden, pastoral fields of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.
Burdened by the tragedy of her past; humiliated and abused by her boorish husband and suffering the agony of losing her only child, the heroine; Lady Phoebe Claringworth, decided she'd never be a woman again.
Assuming her daring, new identity as a dandy, Phoebe sows provocation, desire and intrigue wherever she goes. Her infamy is the talk of London society, her social power unparalleled. She makes powerful enemies with her acid wit and prowess at the gaming tables, and finds unexpected love in the arms of Lord David Hervey.
The richly layered and excellently written plot, twists and turns intriguingly, combining the complexities of a whodunit, with sensuous eroticism of the highest order.
Phoebe is an unforgettable figure. Her independence, financially, socially and emotionally, and her determination to succeed amongst the male dominated ton, mark her as a thoroughly modern heroine, despite the accurately portrayed historical setting of Regency England.
Lord David Hervey, Earl of Linseley, is more straightforward. An upstanding man who cares for his workers and fights passionately for the rights of the farm workers whose lives are dependant on him.
Together, David and Phoebe determine to discover who's trying to kill Phoebe, growing ever closer in the process, until the erotic tension between them becomes almost unbearable.
Pam has that enviable ability to create well thought out, believable characters. Characters the reader can identify with, and take pleasure from reading about. Whether it be the vile Baron Bunbury, who derives his pleasure from cruelly abusing the lads whom he pays for sex, or the refined, kind-hearted Lady Kate Beverredge, friend and confident of Phoebe, who has her own quiet tragedy to bear.
The reader gets the sense that not only does Pam know this era of history intimately, she cares for her characters. She makes the reader care too. She writes with a natural sense of passion, freshness, romance, and clarity.
With a free flowing style such as Pam's, the pages almost turn themselves as the tension, erotic and otherwise, builds toward a climax that is as surprising as it is ultimately rewarding. This book is wonderfully infectious. Un put-downable. An absolute joy to read and comment upon .
Almost A Gentleman

ALMOST A GENTLEMAN by Pam Rosenthal is available for purchase through

Four years of married misery end the day Phoebe's husband's causes a carriage accident that kills not only him but also their young son and unborn daughter. Phoebe then disappears, only to reemerge disguised as a man, Philip "Phizz" Marston, an expert gambler who rules the ton with his fashion opinions. When David Hervey, the Earl of Linseley, arrives in London in search of a new wife, he discovers, much to his surprise, that the only person he's attracted to is Phizz Marston. Once David discovers Phizz's real identity, it relieves him of the idea that he might be in love with another man, but it does nothing to lessen the desire David now has for Phoebe. With graceful writing and a poetic touch, debut romance author Rosenthal (who will appeal to readers of Nicole Jordan and Susan Johnson) skillfully integrates vividly detailed, sizzlingly sensual love scenes into a captivating story that shifts between deception, danger, and desire with spectacular results. John Charles Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved.

Oil tycoon, shipping magnate, thaumatologist and disinherited aristocrat, G. Russell feeds his senses by indulging his passions in frivolous, casual sexual encounters with anyone. He enjoys his precarious spare time breeding homunculi, tiny creatures no more than four inches high and wholly subservient to his will. He also writes late into the night and has been published everywhere. With the exception of the novel, Mni pot chanting, light opera, and fado. Well- read, erudite, suave, strikingly handsome, and much sought after by discerning women with gargantuan sexual appetites. He is availiable for discrete perversions, but remains happily married.
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