Dark Lace on White Skin

By Mike Huck, Jr. © 2001, All Rights Reserved.

Dark lace on white skin, pooling in creases, promising,
Flashes of warmth, other darkness warm with need,
Dragging trails of heat, fingertips lighting the flame, urgent warning.

Eyes lock, accusing glance, mouth opens, lips beckon,
Invitation made in spite, made in haste, reckless,
Clutching hips, shirts, burning through layers, preparing to abandon.

Hesitations echo, nipples stand to feel warm tongues moving fast,
Fingers press, circle, slide and move, seeking quick breaths,
Pulling back, moving toward, opening up, wondering if this is the last.

One probing, one covering, wishing for certainty, layers discarded,
Holding on, but releasing slowly, angry for the need,
Wanting the touch, fear welling, hating to be hard-hearted.

Looking in, seeing the need. Letting go, reaching for,
Trusting in, opening to expose the center, crying inside
Hope quieting fear, but not shutting the door.
Copyright © 2001 byMike Huck, Jr.
Web Warriors Clip Art
Background image provided by Web Warriors.
Other ENE Eromantica 2001 Submissions